Megatron Inc. Sounds wanted to present the Catskill Kairo’s “Defini Too Cool To Tour These Cities” in a visual identity embodying the spirit of the band and outlining their idea of self-empowerment meeting avant-garde styles.
German-based Brand communication agency RF&B approached us for creating the design and visual appearance.
German-based Brand communication agency RF&B approached us for creating the design and visual appearance.
This concept is to market the band with a Non-Tour, where the venues in the cities mentioned aren’t actual venues, but rather hints for the people living the cities what would be the reflection of their doing from a far away point of the world.
The designs were developed according to content and gave it the fresh look searched-out by Catskillers around the world.
Elements throughout the visual language are interaction of the illustrations with the typography, gradients and cropped images.
Elements throughout the visual language are interaction of the illustrations with the typography, gradients and cropped images.